A Whole New Way of Thinking about - Retirement Funding
How it Works
The bank loan that provides up to 75% of the funding for The Kai-Zen PlanTM is a unique feature. While very wealthy people are generally able to secure bank financing for insurance premiums, such is typically not available to the middle class. The Kai-Zen PlanTM has been able to solve this issue by aggregating many middle class Kai-Zen PlanTM participants in order to obtain a single bank loan at very attractive interest rates, typically as low as LIBOR plus 1.75%*. Under The Kai-Zen PlanTM, middle-class participants have advantages that their wealthier counterparts typically do not have. Whereas typical bank financed insurance premiums require an individual to post collateral for the bank loan and they are personally liable on the loan, under The Kai-Zen PlanTM the insurance policy itself fully collateralizes the loan and a separate trust, not the individual, is liable for the bank loan.
*The actual loan rate can vary. January 2013 loan rate is 2.75%
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.â€
George Bernard Shaw